Increase your Business Profits Starting Right Now

You know the formula.

Now it's time to put it into practice.

“You don't need to make big changes, only little ones that add up to a big difference”

You Want Excitement? How bout DOUBLING your money...

Every year, we speak to hundreds of small businesses looking to make more money through marketing.

The misconception is that you need more customers to make more money, but that's rarely the case unless you're JUST starting out.

If we want to transform how we make money, without sacrificing quality of service or quality of lifestyle, then we have to be SMARTER about the way we run our businesses and pitch our value.

"But I really do need more customers!" - we hear you.

Attracting new leads and converting them into customers IS PART OF these 7 steps. But in any business transformation, we need to work on our business from the inside out. And there's more to it than simply advertising and social media.

I'm Already MAXED OUT for Time.

- How Am I Going to Do This?

And you're right, this will take effort and 5-6 hours per week to apply. And that's ok. It's a few weeks to focus and learn and work ON your business. The pay off is more profit ...forever.

After you've finished this process, you will be focused on applying your time in the RIGHT AREAS that produce income. And understanding when to say 'no' to deals, customers, and browsers who suck up your valuable time.

It makes sense to work hard in a short sprint, with dedicated guidance to learn and apply these mechanics to your business.

Although everyone is welcome to learn, we want to make sure students are ready to learn.

If you're serious about growing your business, even from zero, then we'd like you to apply.

The course will be delivered self-paced, online with a monthly coaching call with all current students.

Practical activities along the way to apply your strategies.

Learn from the comfort of your home or business.

See immediate changes that will only grow over time.

IF you don't make a change, what happens next?

We've all been there.

You look at these steps and think...I could do that, DIY style. I don't need anybody's help. Then you spend hours or days making very little progress....if any at all.

Richard Branson is famous for expressing that he doesn't want to be the smartest person in the room. He has grown a massive empire based on leveraging the advice and skills of people around him.

You can absolutely build a life and business that suits your values while still making big profits. And with big profits, you can choose how money can be spent and what positive change you can affect.

You have to ask yourself...

Will I continue to do what I've always done?....and get the same results for years to come.

Or...Do I want to build a business that works for me?

  • You know you need to do more but what you're doing so far isn't working.
  • You know you're willing to invest in marketing or advertising but you want to make sure it ACTUALLY gets results.
  • You know that spending time on the RIGHT tasks will get you results but you're not always entirely sure what those are.
  • You seem to be working hard everyday yet you feel like you're not making enough progress.

So How Do We Make This Happen...

It's time to get up close and personal with your business.

EACH of the 7 steps in this process create a ripple effect into the next until it becomes your own formula for making REAL PROFIT in your business.

The steps will be different for each business. We teach you how to create your own strategies.

This is more than just the latest marketing fad. This is about learning a

tried and tested method that

consultants will charge you thousands for at EACH step.

If you know the analogy of:

"Give a person a fish, they'll eat for a day. Teach a person to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime."

Then you'll know that it's critical that you learn the core strategies behind making money in your business at all levels, not just winning new clients.

Are you ready to -

“Double Your Profits”?

If you've been waiting for a sign from the universe to help you....this is the sign!

You're about to embark on a journey to dive deep into your business, your products, your services, your offers, your customer relationships and your numbers.

Here's what's in store for you ...

Clear lessons expanding on the Double Your Profits formula. A proven formula to accomplish small changes across the 7 steps by following the weekly tasks.

Access to expert guidance from course Facilitators who work directly with businesses just like yours every

Live coaching tutorials each month. Everyone needs accountability and someone to make sure they're coping with the work and getting results.

What's included in the

Double Your Profits Program?

See what our customers

have to say:

"So professional!"

Great industry knowledge, real life relatable examples, very lovely presenter.

"NOT boring!"

Rhonwyn was an incredibly charismatic, entertaining and informative presenter. She made a potentially dry topic and large amount of content digestible and engaging.

"Excellent value!"

Each session that I have attended I have taken away one key piece of information (if not more) that will have a huge impact on what I do in my business.

You want results?

You want great value?

This is the place!

Some courses are designed with the teacher in mind. Rhonwyn Learner designs with YOU in mind. She's been a trainer for 10 years and a small business professional for over 15 years helping start ups. Kelby Williams is a small business consultant with over 30 years working directly with small to medium ebterprises.

100% Refund Guarantee!

We pride ourselves on quality.

If you are not completely satisfied in the first 2 weeks, we'll offer a full refund.


Like I said, I’ve never had such pinpointed and relevant advice that worked for me, like yours did. In the short time that we’ve worked together, you were able to solve pertinent roadblocks in my business but I’ve learnt so many things beyond!

"I've never met a teacher like her before"

Rhonwyn is a born Trainer, Coach and Mentor. I have never met a teacher like her before. I was hesitant to return to study but her enthusiasm and entertaining teaching style made even the dullest topics enjoyable. Even after the course ended, she always had time to help me with advice.


In one hour you've dived deeper into my business than any other coach has before. I've worked with over a dozen coaches and courses and you're the first that really got my business.

Business Training and Coaching Like You've Never Experienced

A message from Rhonwyn:

"I'm sure many of you reading this may have had some poor experiences along the way. We wish we could simpy tell you we are different and that was enough. But the truth is, I'm fully aware that I have to EARN your trust.

We do this through:

✅ Making sure the learning is for everyone and is as jargon-free as possible

✅ Understanding WHY you decided to do the training and being mindful of whether you're making progress towards this goal

✅ Being empathetic in knowing that your learning can be interrupted by life's MANY demands and I'll provide extra support when you reach out for it

✅ Keeping you accountable and centred in taking control over your journey, your strategies and your outcomes

✅ Providing simple and achievable activities to make actual progress

I only ask that you place a small amount of trust in us now, and make sure you tell us if you're not doing ok or if you don't understand any part of the process or coursework."

This is not a numbers game. We will always support you if we know you need support.

This isn't a magic formula but it is magic to watch you transform your business and your life!

I hope to see you in there!!

Claim your place.

Double Your Profits.

You can do this!

It's not just a course, it's a strategic roadmap.

"No situation is completely within your control. But what actions you take in each situation is."


P.S.: I'd love to see you participate but if it's not right for you, there's always next year.

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